DT News: eligibility for the LGBT Purge Class Action Settlement and the 1-year anniversary of IDEaS



(S) In this episode, we provide eligibility information on the “LGBT Purge” Class Action Settlement…

(J) …and celebrate the 1-year anniversary since the launch of the Innovation for Defence Excellence and Security Program.

(S) A reminder that current and former Federal Public Servants, RCMP, and Canadian Armed Forces members affected by the LGBT purge have until April 25th to submit a claim for financial compensation and individual reconciliation measures, as part of the LGBT Purge final settlement agreement.

The class action lawsuit was launched on behalf of members who were discriminated against, harassed, investigated, sanctioned, released, or forced to terminate their employment due to their sexual orientation or gender identity between December 1, 1955 and June 20, 1996.

For more information on eligibility and how to submit a claim, please visit the related links.

(J) April 9th marked the one-year anniversary since the launch of Innovation for Defence Excellence and Security Program, or IDEaS – tapping into some of the best minds from Canada’s innovation community.

Two competitive project call-outs have been completed in domains such as cyber, artificial intelligence, the detection of concealed explosives, and full spectrum communications in the Arctic.

Another two letters of intent have been solicited for Innovation networks.

In the coming months, the first-ever contest to develop temporary deployable city concepts for the Arctic will take place.

Additionally, the next phase of the Sandbox element for innovators to come test their “Detect, defend, and defeat – Unmanned Air Vehicles” will also become available.

For more information on current and future opportunities, visit the related link.

(S) That’s it for us. Thank you so much for watching. See you next time…

(J) …for Defence Team News!
