DM/CDS message on OC Transpo accident


You are all aware of the tragic accident that took the lives of three people on the OC Transpo bus route Friday afternoon in Ottawa.

Nine of our colleagues, four Canadian Armed Forces’ members and five civilian DND employees, were among those involved in the crash. This has the potential to change their lives forever and we are keeping them and their families in our thoughts as they begin to heal. We are also reaching out to those affected to make sure they receive the fullest support we can offer.

We are all part of a tightly knit community, serving Canadians alongside our federal colleagues across the country. Sadly, one retired and two current public service employees from other federal departments died as a result of this terrible accident. The entire Defence Team’s thoughts are with all of those impacted by this incident.

We encourage you to seek out support, whether you were directly impacted by this accident or have friends, colleagues, or loved ones who were involved. There are many support programs available to you, including counselling and referral services.

‎Taking public transportation is part of the daily routine for many us which adds to the shock of such a tragic accident and reminds us all of the fragility of life. Take the time you need to talk about this with each other, with your supervisor, or with your friends. Above all, take care of one another.

Jody Thomas General Jonathan Vance
Deputy Minister Chief of the Defence Staff