DT News: 100th anniversary of the First World War, GBA+ Awareness Week, and more!



(P) In this episode, we mark the 100th anniversary of the First World War…

(N) …we answer your questions about Gender-based Analysis Plus…

(P)…and we cut the ribbon on an important new centre.

(P) It was 100 years ago this month that the First World War ended, marked by the signing of the Armistice on November 11, 1918. That historic event included many Canadian soldiers in Mons, Belgium, which remains a place of great symbolic meaning to this day.

Commemorative events recently took place in Belgium, including a ceremony and unveiling of the George Price Monument. This new monument is in honour of Private George Lawrence Price, believed to be the last Canadian soldier to die in battle during the First World War.

Special ceremonies were also held at the Mons Municipal Cemetery and Grand Place, in honour of those who’ve fallen during various world conflicts.

(N) This week is Gender-based Analysis Plus Awareness Week.

We recently spoke with Lisa Vandehei, the Defence Champion for GBA+ and Director of Gender, Diversity and Inclusion, to learn more.

(N) Can you explain what Gender-based Analysis Plus is?

(L) Absolutely. For those of you that have taken the course, we’re grateful that you took the time to do it and on that course, you learned that it’s really just a tool. It’s nothing to be afraid of and it’s a tool to help us think a little more in depth about any kind of work that you’re doing, whether it’s a policy, program, a new piece of kit you’re working on, a building, anything. And it helps us ask the question: have we left anybody out? Have we made an assumption that’s gonna make this new thing, or this existing thing, less useful because fewer people can use it or benefit from it.

(N) What’s the goal of GBA+ Awareness Week?

(J) So, the goal is really getting more info on what this is all about. So, making sure that yes, the “G”, which stands for “gender”, is there, but we take into account the “plus” that is really the multiple identity factors that make us who we are.

(Lisa Vandehei) So, for those of us that are working on something that may not quite make you think about gender or intersectionality, have a second look because biases can sometimes creep in to all different places and spaces: technology, infrastructure, artificial intelligence, a new piece of kit, a new radio, anything really. And do it early as you can in your thinking about your project, program or policy. The earlier you get it done, the better because it sure is hard to change something after you’ve gotten a bunch of approvals.

(N) Thank you very much.

(Lisa Vandehei) Thanks for having us here.

(Juniors Damy) Thank you very much.

(P) Before we go, an opening event was recently held for the Joint Targeting Intelligence Centre at CJOC headquarters in Ottawa.

(N) A key initiative in Canada’s Defence Policy, Strong, Secure, Engaged is the development of the CAF’s Joint Targeting Capability. The opening of this Centre is a major milestone and aims to foster a culture change in how intelligence professionals conduct their work.

(P) That’s it for us. Thank you so much for watching. See you next time…

(N)…for Defence Team News!
