Government of Canada unveils the Canada Pride Citation


The Government of Canada is taking action to address the historical injustices experienced by LGBTQ2 federal public servants, Royal Canadian Mounted Police and Canadian Armed Forces members and to commemorate their resilience, bravery and sacrifice.

Today, Member of Parliament and the Special Advisor to the Prime Minister on LGBTQ2 issues, Randy Boissonnault, unveiled the design of the new Canada Pride Citation. The Citation is one element in the implementation of the Final Settlement Agreement of the Ross, Roy, Satalic Class Action, often referred to as the ‘LGBT Purge’ Class Action.

“For many years, LGBTQ2 Canadians committed to serving Canada by wearing the uniform of the Canadian Armed Forces despite knowing they could be persecuted for just being themselves. That took courage, and as an institution, we didn’t recognize it and we didn’t defend them. The Canada Pride Citation, which can be worn proudly on our uniform, is as an enduring symbol of our acknowledgement of past injustices and our commitment to ensure that this dark chapter in our history never happens again,” said General Jonathan Vance, Chief of the Defence Staff‎.

Jody Thomas, Deputy Minister of National Defence, noted “With the Canada Pride Citation, we are acknowledging the historic unjust treatment of LGBTQ2 people, and the harm that it did. And we are recognizing the incredible depth of the commitment LGBTQ2 people showed to serving Canada, despite systemic discrimination. This citation is a symbol of our ongoing responsibility and determination to address barriers and make sure everyone feels safe and welcome being their whole selves.”‎

Signed on March 28, 2018, the Ross, Roy, Satalic Class Action Final Settlement Agreement provides up to $110 million to compensate class members, in addition to broad based reconciliation and memorialization measures in an amount not less than $15 million.

In order to receive the Canada Pride Citation, individuals must be a class member as defined in the Ross, Roy, Satalic Class Action Final Settlement Agreement. Class members must complete a claim form and send to the Claims Administrator during the claims period. The claims period opened on October 25, 2018, and will end on April 25, 2019. A copy of the claim form is available at or can be requested by email at [email protected].
