CTOMS Warns of Fake CAT Tourniquets Deployed to Ontario Provincial Police


When we have a medical gear need, we most often rely on CTOMS. They are recognized as being the leaders in offering both products, training, and development in tactical medicine. Last year they posted on their Private Bloggins site about fake tourniquets in their “Fake It Till You Make It! Fake Tourniquets Are Here!” Post. Now they have unveiled that government agencies have been procuring these unknowingly (failure of the Lowest Bidder Procurement method) and have found them being issued within the Ontario Provincial Police.

What’s worse is that neither Health Canada or the OPP has taken any action on this and the tourniquets, 6000 of which were procured are continuing to be fielded. Here is a quick video made my CTOMS regarding the potential risks regarding the use of these knockoff tourniquets.

For more information on these fake tourniquets, you can revert to CTOMS post here.

[vimeo vimeo.com/67103253]
